
At Kim Foster Acupuncture we listen. During your assessment we consider medical history, how long your symptoms have persisted and internal factors contributing to your condition. We use abdominal palpation for a diagnosis of your organ system. After gathering all this information we are able to choose the best techniques and treatment for you as an individual.

If you are coming into the clinic for internal medicine and stress relief you will receive Japanese style acupuncture. In this style thin needles are inserted just beyond the first layer of skin into the fascia. When we stimulate areas of fascia, we are working directly with its associated organ system.

For orthopedic conditions we use a style of acupuncture where the needle is inserted into the muscle. The insertion will result in a slight twitch. When the muscle is released there is increased blood flow and circulation which helps decrease inflammation and restore movement of the limb.

Acupuncture treats:

Peri and Menopausal symptoms
Digestive issues
Stress, Anxiety, Depression
Post surgical care
Side effects from Cancer Treatment
Postnatal care
Symptoms from PTSD