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Root. Receive. Release.

Find your Root.
Receive your medicine.
Release & heal.

Does something feel off?

Does it feel like your energy isn’t your own?

Like you’ve been carrying the expectations, fears, and judgements of other people for so long you don’t really feel like yourself anymore…?

I can’t tell you how many time empathic, wise, brave women from all walks of life have walked into my clinic over the past two decades and said those exact words to me.

And every time we dig deeper we discover that this “off” feeling has been growing inside of them for a long time and it’s affecting everything…

Helping women heal & restore their physical & energetic health through Earth-based medicine.

→ They can’t sleep and rarely feel like they’ve receive enough rest which makes them irritable, anxious, and frustrated.

→ Their digestion is horrible and they deal with almost constant stomach discomfort.

→ They overthinking and they can’t seem to shake the feeling that they are always on the verge of ‘messing everything up’.

I’ve been helping women find relief for over 27 years and here’s the truth…

To find true, lasting relief,

you must identify the root of your discomfort and release the stagnant energy it has created in every area of your life — it’s the only way.

Hi, I’m Kim.

I’ve spent a lot of time and money learning how to use many forms of Earth-based medicine to help women seeking help, support, and guidance on their holistic healing journey.

My work is known to be deep and profound while my approach is kind and understanding.

Even if no one else will listen to you— I will listen to you and I think it’s brave that you continue to fight for yourself.

I’m an Acupuncturist, Body Worker, and Curandera with over 27 years of experience helping people find lasting physical and emotional relief in my boutique clinic in the heart of Boston, MA.

When you come into my clinic, I will help you learn what it feels like to be you.

You are capable of harnessing your own healing, and it can be experienced right here and right now.


Medical tuina


Sound bowl therapy
